Do not eat after 9PM ?

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Do not eat after 9PM ?
You must have encountered a situation many times in your life when your friends or family tells you to gain wieght if you want to eat lat. I did some research on diets in my life, nutrition, protien, healthy eating and everything about them, but there is still a very large number of myths about diet plans that I hear every day people around me. So I decided to bust these myths with my knowledge and expertise around the world to help you all decide you want a healthy lifestyle.

This is the most widespread myth that we were all made in our minds when the time unknown, and somehow we managed to convince us with lots of reasons. Take a deep dive and see what the experts say about the relationship between eating late and get wieght.

Scientific Research:

"We were all told at some point in our lives that we should avoid eating meals late at night, as it will lead to weight gain. But our research on rhesus monkeys, which is considered an excellent model to study primates (human and monkey) obesity issues, showed that eating at night is no more likely to promote weight gain than eating during the day. Of course, this research does not suggest that snacking the evening after eating your normal daily ration of calories is a good idea, "said Judy Cameron, Ph.D., principal investigator in the Division of Reproductive Sciences and Neuroscience at the National Center of Oregon OHSU Primate Research. Cameron is also a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh.

Health Services at Columbia University:

One aspect of weight management is essential to understand is that we win and lose weight for periods of time - weeks, months, years - and not by the hour. This happens as we take more calories than we consume. Another important fact is that the metabolism in our body does not stop working even when we sleep! Hearts beat, blood circulation, lung function, are the brains even work. All this requires energy - we are still burning calories. There is no magic moment at which the body stores fat. For example, if you eat exactly the same meal 18 hours or 20 hours is more caloric than the other? No, every meal is the same number of calories. What really matters is the total amount of food and drink you have, in a week or a month or more, and how much energy you use during this period. The excess calories are stored as fat over time, if taken during the day or night. (Ref:
Myth Busting - Late Night Eating

Do not eat after 9PM ?

Do not eat after 9PM ?

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